
Welcome to

faith assembly

An Assemblies of God Church in New Cumberland, PA

SUNDAY: 10:30 AM


At Faith Assembly, our mission is to be the best neighbor in our community! One time in the Bible, Jesus' friends asked him to pick the greatest commandment. God gave the Israelites 613 rules to follow in the Old Testament. The disciples wanted to know which was the most important. Jesus tells them,

“‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22-37-40)

At Faith Assembly, we challenge ourselves to love God and love people in the most practical way! We provide food and meals to those in need. We love each other through good times and bad times alike! We treat everyone in our community like we would want to be treated!

We love God and love people because God said they were equally important!

Lead Pastor: Jessica Jones

Pastor Jess grew up at Faith Assembly. She graduated college and returned to serve as the youth pastor and associate pastor. In August 2020, God called Pastor Jess to take a step of faith and serve as the lead pastor at Faith Assembly.

Pastor Jess is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. She received her B.A. from the University of Valley Forge. Since college, Pastor Jess has continued her education and is certified through the American Association of Christian Counselors as a Life Coach and Mental Health Life Coach. Pastor Jess is studying to become a Community chaplain through Bakke Graduate Univerity.

SundayS: 10:30am



Faith Assembly
806 Fishing Creek Rd.
New Cumberland, PA 17070





Check out the Annual Report from our last Business Meeting!



We want your whole family to grow. We believe that Jesus came to give life to the fullest! We worship together, seek to understand scripture together, serve together, and live life together! We want you to leave church more encouraged and equipped to live a full and purposeful life!

We are a church within the fellowship of the Assemblies of God. Check out the fundamental beliefs of our fellowship below.


Join our family! Everyone is always welcome at Faith but we encourage you to take the next step! As a member, you have a voice (and vote) in leadership and other decisions. It’s important for us to have a diverse membership so our church decisions are best meeting the needs of our diverse community! We are better when we join our resources to make a difference!

Thank you for your interest in financially supporting the ministry of Faith Assembly. Giving online is a safe and convenient way to honor the Lord by returning to Him a portion of all He has provided. Your financial gift truly makes a difference in helping us accomplish what God has called us to do.

The table Dinner Church




Are you looking for a genuine community and connection? This isn’t anything close to a typical church! We join together for about an hour each week to share a free meal and connect with our community!

We believe that amazing things happen when we eat together around the table, that’s probably why Jesus shared so many meals. Strangers become friends around the table, genuine connection happens around the table. Questions are answered around the table. Healing takes place around the table.

Location: Fairview Fire Hall (340 Lewisberry Rd, New Cumberland, PA)